Research projects (since 2023)
PhänoKlim - Phenological reactions of beech and spruce in relation to climate change (AWG, KU)
pollenPALS - Biotic and abiotic effects on pollen production and allergenicity of birch and related health impacts (HU, TUM, KU)
Exploring flowering-to-seeding spatio-temporal patterns in Fagus sylvatica trees in Germany (Alma Piermattei, Davide Ascoli andEmilie Angele Fleurot from University of Torino, Marios Pesendorf from BOKU University)
Can long-lived plants plastically decouple their phenological responses in variable temperature environments? (Mari Wilson and Emma Menchions from University of British Columbia)
Drought risks in forests under climate change (TroWaK) (Dr Cathleen Frühauf from the German Weather Service, DWD, Thünen Institute, Institute of Forest Ecosystems, Julius Kühn Institute, Institute for Strategies and Impact Assessment, Northwest German Forest Research Institute)