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Plants and associated phases are observed in a Normal-programm and in an Expanded-program



Plants Normal-program

Beobachtete Phasen: UL BF FF CL FL


Plants Expanded-program

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Pflanzen GPM-Programm

Mandel, "Perle der Weinstrasse"

Beobachtete Phasen: UL BB BF FF EF RF

Rote Johannisbeere, "Werdavia" (weiße Sorte)

Beobachtete Phasen: UL BF FF EF RP 

Süßkirsche, "Hedelfinger", Typ "Diemitz"

Beobachtete Phasen: BB BF FF EF RP CL

Sauerkirsche, "Vladimirskaja"

Beobachtete Phasen: BB BF FF EF RP CL

Birne, "Doyenne de Merode"

Beobachtete Phasen: BB BF FF EF RP FL

Apfel, Klarapfel

Beobachtete Phasen: BB BF FF EF RP FL

Apfel, "Golden Delicious", Typ "Golden Reinders"

Beobachtete Phasen: BB BF FF EF RP FL

Esskastanie, "Dore de Lyon"

Beobachtete Phasen: UL BF FF RF FL

Zaubernuss, "Jelena"

Beobachtete Phasen: BF FF EF CL



Beobachtete Phasen: BF


Forsythie, "Fortunei"

Beobachtete Phasen: UL BF FF EF

Chinesischer Flieder, "Red Rothomagensis"

Beobachtete Phasen: SL UL BF FF EF

Falscher Jasmin

Beobachtete Phasen: BF FF EF

Besenheide, "Allegro"

Beobachtete Phasen: BF FF EF

Besenheide, "Long White"

Beobachtete Phasen: BF FF EF

Herbstblühende Zaubernuss

Beobachtete Phasen: BF FF EF


This is the first spring shoot of conifers (spruce, pine). The bud breaks open and the protective sheath detaches from the bud edge. In the process, the sheath remains attached to the bud or falls off. The needles are not yet spread.



The phase occurs when the first leaf surfaces are visible in three places on the plant. The first leaf in each case has pushed out of its bud to the leaf base or petiole.
Mountain ash: the first leaflets of the first leaves have fully unfolded, although the full size has not yet been reached.
Larch: The appearance of the light green needles, which stand together in clusters when the bud sheath bursts open.



In English oaks and rowan trees, the first shoots are almost regularly followed by a second shoot, the Johannistrieb. Buds already established for the following year are caused to sprout prematurely by weather conditions. Characteristic is the fresh color of the St. John's shoot. The phase is defined as in [UL]: The first leaves of the shoot are fully unfolded, but have not yet reached the final size.



If the first flowers are open in three places on the plant, flowering has begun. For all wind-pollinated plants, note the dusting of the anthers. This can be checked, for example, by shaking the branches.  
European beech: this tree does not usually flower every year.
Black locust and currant: The first flowers at the base of three clusters have opened.
Willow: The golden-yellow stamens of the male flowers are visible (after the flower buds have emerged from the brown scale that encloses them).



Full flowering is reached when more than half of the existing flowers of the plant are open.



When the first fruits are ripe in three places of the plant. In the case of juicy fruits, a perfect / final discoloration must be visible, in the case of capsule fruits, the bursting of the shell (without foreign influence).
Pedunculate oak and hazel: fruits destroyed by vermin and falling prematurely are not to be considered ripe.
Mountain ash: attentive observation necessary to obtain the first day of transition to the last color stage of coral red berries.
Black elderberry: When on three umbels the majority of berries have ripened to the edge of the umbels (have taken the final color).



More than 50% of the leaves (counting fallen leaves in large numbers) are coloured. Leaf colouring in autumn occurs due to low temperatures. To be distinguished from it is the drought foliage as a result of drought in the summer months. This leaf colouring, which can occur as early as July in particularly dry years and on dry locations, should be noted separately. For conifers, this applies to the colouring of the needles.



More than 50% of the leaves or needles of the observed plants have fallen off.



Additional Phases observed within the

GPM programme

The date is to be recorded when the first leaf buds open at three points, and the first green leaf is visible.


This phase is reached when the first flower buds begin to open at three points. The green tips of the leaves that surround the flower become visible.


This phase is reached when about 95 % of the flowers have faded, i.e., they have lost their petals. 

For sweet chestnut: Approx. 95 % of the flower filaments are brown.


This occurs when the fruits are in their characteristic colour, and the first harvesting is worthwhile. 

Apples and pears: The fruits can be easily detached from the tree by a light lift or twist. 

Cherries and currants: They are soft and can be easily detached from the stem.
